Project Name Languages Comments
Recipe Manager JS Ruby, JS I added dynamic features to my previous Rails application "Recipe Manager" through JavaScript and a JSON API
Recipe Manager Ruby The app provides a database and web interface for users to: Sign up, login or log out securely as an admin user or user. This app includes a third party signup/login via Github thanks to the OmniAuth gem. Users can see the recipes, rate and comment them. Admin users can create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) a recipe, and create and delete ingredients and categories. User can browse recipes by name and author and comments by author and recipe. User inputs are validated. The app include an ActiveRecord scope method to get the newest recipe that can be seen in its own URL, in this case: http://localhost:3000/newest_recipe. RecipeManager was built with Ruby on Rails and Bootstrap.
Student Data Bank Ruby This is a Content Management System for a nursery to keep the daily information about their students. Student Data Bank was built with Sinatra, extended with Rake for working with an SQL database using ActiveRecord ORM.
Artify Ruby This Ruby Gem provides a CLI to view the art exhibitions selected by Artlyst that are taking place at the moment in London.
My first blog using Django Python Blog created using Django framework and deployed at pythonanywhere.
Rock dodger HTML, CSS and JS Exercise from the Flatiron School's Bootcamp prep.
Object oriented CLI Tic Tac Toe Ruby Exercise from the Flatiron School's Bootcamp prep.
Solitaire game HTML, CSS and JS Work in progress to implement most of the conditions with the drag and drop and make some sense according to the game rules. I have created a navigation bar and a structure made of divs to display the stack, the waste, the spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs piles and a second row with seven piles. In my first attempt I made a table with rows but it was much easier using divs when I started to modify everything with CSS. I have had many problems trying to put the image I was dragging on top of another one. Everything has to say with their position, absolute and relative positions.
Contact manager HTML and JS Activity from Openclassrooms course: "Learn to code with JavaScript". Results are displayed in the console.
My first website HTML, CSS and JS Plan and represent with HTML a basic website structure from scratch. Style with CSS and use JS to write a function for the home pages's automatic slideshow.